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GeniePy is designed as a comprehensive Python-based SaaS starter kit that drastically reduces development time by providing a ready-to-use codebase. This platform is especially beneficial for developers looking to quickly launch a SaaS product without the hassle of building foundational features from scratch. The boilerplate includes essential functionalities like user authentication, payments, blog integration, and email services, all optimized for immediate deployment and scalable growth. GeniePy utilizes the Reflex framework, enhancing the pure Python codebase to support both backend and frontend development seamlessly. This integration allows developers to leverage the Python ecosystem comprehensively, including React.js components without needing to write JavaScript. The backend is powered by FastAPI, providing a robust and fast API that interacts efficiently with a Next.js frontend.
EUR 129

Boilerplate details

Closed Source
One Time

Detailed Description

Value Proposition and Use Case

GeniePy is a Python-based SaaS starter kit that significantly reduces development time by providing a pre-built codebase. It is ideal for developers aiming to quickly deploy a SaaS product, equipped with foundational features such as user authentication, payment processing, and more, allowing them to focus on adding unique functionalities to their applications.

Technical Stack

The technical stack of GeniePy includes the Reflex framework, which allows for development entirely in Python, supporting both backend and frontend seamlessly. The backend utilizes FastAPI for a robust API service, while the frontend leverages Next.js, facilitating the use of React.js components without needing JavaScript coding.


  • User Management: Secure processes for user registration, login, and social login functionalities.
  • Payment Processing: Easy integration with Stripe for handling subscriptions.
  • Database Support: Compatible with major databases such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.
  • Frontend Design: Utilizes Tailwind CSS for aesthetic and responsive interfaces.
  • Email Integration: Flexible email solutions with Mailjet, Mailgun, and Sendgrid.
  • SEO-optimized Blog: Ready-to-use blogging module with SEO capabilities.
  • Admin Interface: Integrated tool for easy management of application data.
  • LLM Integration: Incorporates Large Language Models to enhance application features.

Licensing and Pricing

GeniePy is available at a one-time fee of €129, which includes lifetime updates, comprehensive documentation, and support via email and Discord. This license allows for the creation of unlimited sites with the GeniePy framework.

Call to Action

Explore the capabilities of GeniePy and start your project today by visiting GeniePy. This tool offers a robust foundation for developing scalable SaaS applications efficiently.

Owner Verification

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